
The information below is designed to assist you in obtaining public information from Rochester Community and Technical College. It answers such questions as who to contact for access to different kinds of public information, 以及如何提出请求. Our goal is to respond to requests for public information in a timely and efficient manner.


Much public information about the 明尼苏达州 system and its colleges and universities is available online. The following sites 五月 provide you with the information you need.

www.minnstate.edu This is the 明尼苏达州 system’s main web site.

明尼苏达州预算 & 谈判 The 明尼苏达州预算 Unit provides financial leadership and information to improve the decision-making of institutions, 州长, 立法机关, 以及校董会.

明尼苏达州 教与学中心 This site contains information on Campus Leaders, Events, Resources, and Discussions.

明尼苏达州立大学设施 – This site includes information about planning, 编程, 设计与施工, 设计标准, 和活动.

明尼苏达州消防/急救/安全中心 This site contains information on Fire Fighter Training, EMS培训, 社区训练中心, 环境健康与安全, 及图书馆刊物.

明尼苏达州立系统人力资源 This system office provides support and assistance to the Human Resources staff at each of the colleges and universities; and administers system-wide programs.

Licensure for 明尼苏达州 college faculty assigned to UTCE and vocational technical instructors employed outside 明尼苏达州 in institutions, which require a license for a vocational technical teaching position. This site includes information about licensure guidelines, fields, and forms.

学生贷款服务中心  This site contains loan information for 明尼苏达州 students.

Requesting and accessing public information at 正规赌博十大网站

General Guidelines for Requesting and Accessing:

  • Any member of the public is allowed to view public information without charge.
  • Viewing of public information will be at reasonable times and places.
  • Viewing does not include receiving copies of information unless providing a copy is the only way for us to provide viewing.
  • Viewing includes remote access and the ability of the public to download the data on the user’s own computer, 但在某些情况下, 我们可能会为此收费.
  • We will provide access to public data as soon as we reasonably can, but we 五月 not be able to provide the information you want immediately because we need time to locate or copy the information.
  • We do not have to provide data that we do not keep.
  • Upon request, we will provide copies of public data. We 五月 副本收费.
  • You are not required to identify yourself unless we need the information for some purpose such as sending the data, or clarifying your request; you don’’t have to tell us why you want the information.
  • Upon request, we will explain the content and meaning of the data.
  • If we store the public data you want on a computer, you 五月 ask that we provide a copy to you in electronic form, 如果我们有合理的能力,我们将这样做. We do not have to provide the data in a format or program that is different from how we store it, 但如果我们同意这么做, we will charge you for the cost of providing the copy.
  • If we decide that the data you request is not public, we will notify you orally or in writing as soon as we reasonably can, 然后告诉你适用哪条法律. If you ask, we will provide our decision in writing.
  • Prepayment 五月 be required before requested data is released.  Requestors will be notified of any charges.

How to make routine requests for public information


All Public Data Requests must be made via 这种形式.  An 正规赌博十大网站 staff member will contact you about your data request withing two business days.  If you have any specific questions about our Public Data policy or procedures, please contact:

Executive Director of Communications, Marketing, and External Relations
Rochester Community and Technical College
罗切斯特,MN 55904
(507) 536-5604

Note: You do not have to provide contact information, 然而, if you want us to mail/email you copies of data, we will need some type of contact information. 除了, if we do not understand your request and need to get clarification from you, without contact information we will not be able to begin processing your request until you contact us.  Inspection of data is free, but MS § 13.03年,再分. 3, does authorize the College the ability to charge a fee that covers the actual costs of searching for and retrieving government data, including the cost of employee time and for making, 认证, and electronically transmitting or mailing the copies of the data. Prepayment is required upon receipt of data copies. 


Your request will be responded to as soon as reasonably possible.